You can download your favourite wallpapers for smartphones, tablet devices and desktops !!
This is intended for personal use only. It may not be resold, reproduced or distributed and no profit may be made from the design.
I'm not getting used to launch wallpapers on my website very much. So let me know if you have any concerns. You can contact me from "Connect with us".
Thank you !!
December, 2022
I've created the wallpaper to inspired from Touji (冬至) !
In Japan, there is a period known as “Touji”. The custom of taking a yuzu bath at that time of year has existed since the Edo period.
More details on my Instagram ! There is a link below the wallpaper too.
November, 2022
I've created the wallpaper to inspired from Shichigosan (七五三) in Japan!
There are events to celebrate the growth of children aged seven (七 Shichi), five (五 Go) and three (三 San). Families of children of that age visit temples and shrines.
I describe about that more details on Instagram ! There is a link below the wallpaper too.
October, 2022
I've created the wallpaper to inspired from sports no hi (スポーツの日) in Japan!
The aim is "to enjoy sport, to cultivate a spirit of respect for others and to wish for a healthy and vibrant society." The translation of the aim was pasted directly from the results of DeepL though... f('_';)
Reference: Wikipedia
I describe about that more details on Instagram ! There is a link below the wallpaper too.
September, 2022
I've created the wallpaper to inspired from Jugoya day (十五夜) in Japan!
From the Japanese point of view, the shadow on the moon looks like rabbits pound a Mochi. I imagined the rabbits have made the Mochi we decorated.
I describe about that more details on Instagram ! There is a link below the wallpaper too.
You can also get phone wallpapers from my Instagram high light. There are other types of wallpapers not available on the website. I'd be happy to follow me!! よろしくおねがいします(^v^)/"
August, 2022
I've created the wallpaper to inspired from Vegetable day (野菜の日) in Japan!
There are some vegetables commonly used in Japanese food. I left small space for the clock this time (^_-)-★
I describe about that more details on Instagram ! There is a link below the wallpaper too.
July, 2022
I've created the wallpaper to inspired from Summer Natsu Matsuri (夏祭り Summer festival) in Japan!
There are filled in my favourite things from summer festival.
I describe about that more details on Instagram ! There is a link below the wallpaper too.
June, 2022
I've created the wallpaper to inspired from Onigiri (おにぎり Rice ball) day in Japan!
The red circles on the wallpaper are inspired by Pickled plums.
I describe about that more details on Instagram ! There is a link below the wallpaper too.
You can also get phone wallpapers from my Instagram high light. There are other types of wallpapers not available on the website. I'd be happy to follow me!! よろしくおねがいします(^v^)/"
May, 2022
I've created the wallpaper to inspired from May in Japan such as Koinobori 鯉のぼり !
I describe about that more details on Instagram ! There is a link below the wallpaper too.
April, 2022
I've created two different types to inspired from April in Japan such as Sakura cherry blossom and Randoseru (ランドセル: It's school bag for primary school students in Japan.). April also has Easter so there is bunny on the wallpaper too! Try to find the bunny☆U・x・U
I describe about that more details on Instagram ! There is a link below the wallpaper.
March, 2022
In March we have "ひな祭り Hina Matsuri" in Japan. I've made a wallpaper to inspired from them!
The explanation of the Hinamatsuri will be on Instagram soon.
February, 2022
In February we have Valentine's Day (バレンタインデー) and Setsubun (節分). So I've made two different types to inspired from them! They are cute with hearts and unique demons (鬼 おに) on them.
In Japan, before the calendar revision (旧暦 Kyuu reki), February (2月 Ni gatsu) was called as "如月 Kisaragi".
You can also get phone wallpapers from my Instagram high light. There are other types of wallpapers not available on the website. I'd be happy to follow me!! よろしくおねがいします(^v^)/"